Spotlight Ukraine

We have been working on an idea to focus on current topics and get first-hand information, combined with the technological concept of BrixWire as News Hub. The aim is that additional information, verified or unverified, should be made available via BrixWire. We want to improve the news situation around the conflict.


There is currently no business model for this server, and it is not in scope for this server. The goal is to provide additional information as soon as possible.


We are affected by this situation, we wish that the phrase “cannot be independently verified” appears less often, and we have credible contacts with different sources of information through our Ukrainian collaborators.

Who has access?

  • In the first step, the DeveloperPack customers, if that is desired.
  • FactChecker, which verifies news on a central instance.
  • Content providers, after development and integration are complete.


The server is built in this order:

  • Official communication platforms of Ukraine (e.g. Ukrinform)
  • Articles from the Ukrainian press (RSS Reader)
  • Twitter: selected accounts
  • Mail access to store stories from known senders
  • Telegram
  • TikTok?

Stories can be published interactively or fully automatically on all available channels.

Necessary additional functionality

We are working on workflow extensions that:

These extensions will be available interactively, or they can be integrated into the input/output workflow of BrixWire Stories.

I.e.: we will be able to provide the content from the different channels in DE and EN, and we will be able to generate stories from uploaded videos.

We will connect the Ukraine server to existing instances of BrixWire via a Brix2Brix plugin, so that the server can be accessed via a normal BrixWire. The stories can be processed and published as before.

Time frame and procedure

  • Sources are identified and integrated
  • Transcript and Translate Extensions will be implemented
  • Brix2Brix plugin will be developed
  • Verification flags are integrated and can be set and used as filters

The approach is designed for speed and increments. We would like to achieve a usable effect in 4-6 weeks. Afterwards, the concepts can be refined and extended.

Long-term use

The developed plugins can of course also be used in internal workflows, as it is a normal BrixWire server.

The Brix2Brix plugin not only works against a Central Server but can also be used between two publishers (or better: between two BrixWire instances) to share content, verify, etc. The concept of a topic server can be applied to different scenarios.

Collaboration on the project

We would like to create synergies and partnerships to take this idea to the next level. There could be several ways to collaborate:

  • Verifying news stories
  • Gathering sources for reliable content

We are open for more ideas! You can contact us or send an email directly to